Hair Test will enable you to see Nutrients and Heavy Metals
What is your Mineral Balance?
In the Mineral and Heavy Metal Hair Test, someone is stressed, tired, anxious, and overwhelmed when someone tells us. This is the first test we reach for.
Monitor your organ health for Diabetes, Adrenals, Thyroid, and Liver.
For heavy metal toxicity, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury are among the four most common heavy metals that cause health-related issues. Worse, exposure can happen daily, even from the skin and cosmetic products approved to put on our bodies!
This Mineral and Heavy Metal Hair Test will enable you to see how well your nervous system handles stress, whether you may have adrenal dysfunction, your mineral reserves, and whether you’re dealing with higher levels of toxic heavy metals.
If your electrolyte and mineral levels are not balanced, you cannot adequately deal with stress in your life.

Do You Suffer From?
For heavy metal toxicity, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury are among the four most common heavy metals that cause health-related issues.
- High Stress
- Anxiety
- Overwhelm
- Learning Disabilities (Children)
- Mood disturbances
- Highs/Low in energy
- Headaches
- Skin rashes
- Tingling/numbness
- Poor sleep
Exposure can happen daily, even from the skin and cosmetic products approved to put on our bodies!
What does it Tell You?
It is a screening test that measures the mineral content of your Hair Test. The Hair Analysis Kit, with its report, provides pertinent information about your:
- Metabolic rate
- Energy levels
- Sugar and carbohydrate tolerance
- Stage of stress
- Immune system
- Glandular activity
- Heavy metal load
- Pattersn of the Thyroid, Blood Sugar, Adrenals, and more…
What is Tested in the Hair Test?

Mineral imbalances can also impact your overall good health. Imbalances of minerals like iron, magnesium, and potassium can not only cause fatigue but could be an indicator of more serious medical issues later in life.
Exposure to high concentrations of heavy metals is possible from the food you eat, air or water pollution, any medicines you take, or even food containers with an improper coating.
Minerals in the Hair Test
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Iron
- Copper
- Manganese
- Zinc
- Chromium
- Selenium
- Phosphorus
Toxic Metals
- Lead
- Mercury
- Cadmium
- Arsenic
- Aluminum
Additional Metals
- Nickle
- Cobalt
- Molybdenum
- Lithium
- Boron
Oxidative Rate
- Slow
- Fast
- Mixed
This test will help you discover the early warning signs of heavy metal toxicity and potential mineral deficiencies through a simple hair sample, proven to be an accurate measurement method.
How the Test Works
- Select and Purchase Your Hair Test
At checkout, you can choose our one-time purchase or easy PayPal payment plan. In either case, your lab test will be promptly sent to your door.
- Easily Collect Your Sample
This test uses a simple hair test. Follow the instructions and take a small snip of hair from the back of your head to be tested.
- Conveniently Return Your Sample
Once you have collected your sample, you can quickly return the Mineral and Heavy Metal Test on the shipping label.
Allow approximately 3 weeks once you’ve returned your sample for them Lab to process your results.
If you have chosen to consult with Dr. Brown, you can schedule your 30-minute call.
What’s Included in your Hair Test
Each lab test comes complete with everything you need to take your test at home and your convenience easily.
- Hair Collection Card
- Collection Instructions
- Lab Form
- Return Envelop
Your Health Call Option
No More Guesswork
Rather than other at-home tests that make you guess the results, Dr. Brown will take the time to assess your effects and review them with you step by step. You can feel confident that the supplements, diet, and lifestyle changes we recommend are right for your body and health goals.
If You Choose a 30-minute phone consultation with Dr. Brown (Optional)

During your one-on-one call, Dr. Brown will assess your symptoms and explain your test lab Hair Test. She will explain your lab results for your Mineral and Heavy Metal Test, answer any questions you may have, and walk away with personalized recommendations according to your test results.
These can include:
- A supplement plan
- Dietary guidance
- Sleep guidelines
- Stress reduction techniques
- Detox regimens
- Lifestyle changes
When understanding your health challenges at the most profound root cause, you deserve a resource you can trust. We use only the premier, independent laboratories specializing in Functional Medicine testing, including the Mineral and Heavy Metal Test, ensuring accuracy and results.
Please Note: Lab Tests Must Be Submitted Within THREE Months Of Purchase
Questions and Answers
Q: How will I receive my Mineral and Heavy Metal Test results and call to review those results?
Once you have mailed in your Mineral and Heavy Metal Test lab sample, please follow the steps below to set up an appointment (if chosen) to review your results and new wellness recommendations:
*Please wait until ALL samples have been mailed if doing lab bundles
– If you ordered your Lab through us and included a health coaching call, please email schedule your health call under Service.
*Results will be sent to you via mail.
Q: What if I have additional questions?
A: You can contact us at for general questions.
If you have a more specific question about your sample collection, you may contact the Lab directly to better guide you. Each instruction sheet has the contact information available to answer your questions promptly!
Q: I lost my instructions; where can I find a copy of these?
A: Please visit the lab’s website’s Instructions page for instructions on the Mineral and Heavy Metal Test.
Q: Where should I take my samples from?
A: Head hair is taken from the nape of the neck (in several small selections so as not to leave any noticeable patches)
Q: What if my hair has been dyed recently?
A: If you have dyed your hair, we recommend waiting at least 6 weeks before taking a sample
The Mineral and Heavy Metal Test is a thorough test often used in our practice.
Your Path to Better Health Starts Now!
Unlock the full potential of your journey towards blood sugar balance with our comprehensive with a Hair Test. Opt for the program alone or elevate your experience with additional support through two consultations with Dr. Brown.
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